Baptism: Normally celebrated during or after a Sunday Mass. Please call the Parish Center at (812) 482-3076 to make arrangements. If this is your first child being baptized, you will need to attend a Baptism preparation session by appointment prior to the Baptism. For adults and children age 7 or older, please contact Sharon Burger of the RCIA team at (812) 630-3257.
First Reconciliation & First Holy Communion: First communion is usually celebrated on the Last Sunday of April during the child's second grade year. For first communion requirements, sign-ups, and the schedule click here. If you have any questions you can email Director of Religious Education, Joseph H Munning IV at
Reconciliation: Saturdays from 4:00-4:45 p.m., Sundays from 8:00-8:15 a.m., and any time by appointment.
Confirmation: Confirmation is normally celebrated during the student's sophomore year of high school. For youth confirmation requirements, sign-ups, and the schedule click here. If you have any questions you can email Director of Religious Education, Joseph H Munning IV at For Adult Catholics who need to be confirmed, there are separate preparation sessions available--please contact Sharon Burger at (812) 630-3257.
Marriage: Please contact the Parish Center at least 6 months prior to the wedding to make arrangements for the marriage preparation sessions. (812) 482-3076.
Holy Orders: Contact Pastor at (812) 482-3076 or Diocese Vocations Office at (812) 424-5536,
Anointing of the Sick: Please call the Parish Center to make arrangements.
Communion to the Sick & Homebound: Wednesday & Sunday mornings after morning Mass. Please contact the Parish office if you wish to receive.
Adults & Teens who wish to become Catholic & Invitation to Catholic Teachings: Contact Sharon Burger at (812) 482-5682.